Black Flag front door

4th Annual Columbia Pub Crawl – Details

The Saturday after Thanksgiving has become a Columbia tradition for some of my friends. This year the 4th Columbia Pub Crawl will begin at 11:30 AM on November 30th at Frisco Tap House.

I have made some changes to the route from previous years, due to the Pub Dog closing. We will still make 5 stops, and walk about 5 miles. The planned itinerary is Frisco Tap House (11:30 AM), then Black Flag (1:00 PM), Hysteria (2:00 PM), Sonoma’s (3:15 PM) and the Second Chance Saloon (4:45 PM). We are not planning a brunch this year, so plan to eat ahead of time. We will have dinner at the 2nd Chance like past years.

If you are free on November 30th, sign up here for the Columbia Pub Crawl.



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