Beer Reads

Will this rain ever stop? This year’s record-breaking rainfall in Maryland makes me feel like I’ve moved to England or the Oregon coast. Even on days when it doesn’t rain, it seems to be overcast and gloomy. Plus, the days are so short right now with the winter solstice on December 21st. I’ve found a few “craft beer reads” to hopefully brighten up your day. Enjoy.

Shared Kingdom
Shared Kingdom

Thanks to Pierce for passing on this video from the Mad Fermentationist about canning Sapwood Cellar/Black Flag’s collaborative beer, Shared Kingdom.

I mentioned coveting Keith’s (the manager of Frisco Tap House) Hardywood Gingerbread Stouts (GBS) in my last post. Lee Heidel of Food & Drink includes GBS in Let’s Agree to Disagree on the 5 Best Craft Beer Releases of 2018. I took these two “encounters” with GBS as a sign and ran an internet search. It turns out that I can get this beer in DC. I see that the DC Costco (I’m a member) carries it. I see a road trip in my future.

Thanks go to alert reader, Jim, for Move Over Wineries: Montgomery County Okays Tasting Rooms For Rural Breweries. Note: it includes a great picture of one of our favorite brewers, Kenny Borkman.

Brewed in Maryland gives us an in depth review of Monument City.

Earlier in the month, Cat Wolinski of VinePair amused me with 11 TELLTALE SIGNS YOU’RE IN A GREAT CRAFT BEER BAR.

